High Performance Evasive Driving Course! June 3-4
Do not miss our first HPED Course NEXT WEEKEND! This is one of the most fun and exciting courses we have ever offered.
This training is usually only offered to government agencies and security companies providing close protection services to VIP’s, dignitaries, and government officials.
We have worked with Summit Point Training Center to bring this training to YOU!
Not only is this course the most fun and exciting training you’ll ever attend, the real world value of it cannot be overstated. You will learn to drive a vehicle fast and in full control utilizing a deeper understanding of vehicle dynamics. You’ll get to crash cars and learn how to ram vehicles or obstacles out of the way while minimizing damage to your own vehicle. You’ll practice driving on the skid pad and learn to control the vehicle on slick surfaces like ice, snow, wet roads, and gravel! You will go through attack scenarios, learn how to recognize them and what to do if you are ever attacked in a vehicle. You will learn how to use Precision Immobilization Techniques/Tactical Vehicle Intervention (PIT/TVI) maneuvers AND how to counter them if they are attempted on you… and SO MUCH MORE! You will have 2 of the most exciting days of your life and walk away with an experience you really can’t get anywhere else.
This course will make you a more capable, aware, safe, and prepared driver. This course has saved many lives in the past and could save yours or those you love! If you drive a vehicle, you will literally use this training every single day!
Prerequisites: Valid Driver’s License
Topics covered:
HPED Course Training Objectives
Day 1:
Basic & Advanced Dynamic Vehicle Control
Serpentine/Off Road Recovery
Compromised Traction Control Techniques
High Performance Braking
ABS Limitations
Obstacle Avoidance and Swerving
Low and High Speed Backing Techniques – Y&J Turn
High and Low Speed Technical Driving
High and Low Speed Street Line Driving
Day 2:
Close Proximity Driving
Barricade Breaching and Ramming
Precision Immobilization Technique (PIT) maneuver
Attack Recognition Exercise
Vehicle Shoot / Vehicular Ballistic Protection Demonstration
Evasive Driving Exercise (Vehicle Chase Scenarios)
Culmination Exercise – Multiple Scenario Requiring Decision Making and Applying All Skills Learned in a Real World Environment
This course is expensive to facilitate but I think it’s worth it. I believe it is important to be able to offer this training to our civilian clients and we are making almost no money on this course. But if we are going to continue offering this training, we do need to see that there is a market for this training. Simply put, if we can’t fill courses, then we won’t be offering this training in the future.
So go enroll yourself, significant other, family and friends and come enjoy one of the most exhilarating and useful courses you’ll ever take!
Click HERE To Enroll
Below is a link to a video that has more information!